Friday 14 September 2007

I Love Pay Per Post!

I only joined pay per post the other month and already have earned money from writing only a couple of blogs here! I've probably missed more opportunities than I have taken as I keep forgetting to log in and see what are available. It seems that those people who blog based in the USA get a few more opportunities to blog than us UK bloggers, though we do get some opportunities that are unique to to Europe and the UK in compensation. Also blogger who have their blog hosted on a website get more opportunities as some specifically want blog posts that aren't on blogspot and similair blogging platforms. I'm considering moving or creating a blog on one of my websites in the near future. I may even consider purchasing a specific URL to host my blog as I'm confident that PPP will more than cover the costs of hosting in the long run!

Pay Per Post works as advertisers seek new forms of marketing to aid their traffic generation and web site presence. It works for bloggers as we get paid to do stuff we enjoy! I'm hoping to put my earnings from Pay-Per-Post into paying for a new laptop, and if it goes extremely well I'll even consider buying a much dreamed of Apple iBook!

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